Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 21

Today is February 21 and we are sailing in the Chilean Fjords (beautiful) and I’m going to do some catching up. This post will be of Buenos Aires and Montevideo.

We were in Buenos Aires on February 12 & 13. On the twelfth I took a tour of the city and on the thirteenth I wandered around on my own. Thursday night we went to a tango show. We also were treated to local tango dancers on board the ship on Friday night. I was impressed by the mausoleum - I’ve never seen anything like it, although a fellow traveler said there is one like it in New Orleans. There are very large monuments above ground and several levels for burial below ground. Eva Peron is buried here in a space provided in the Duarte’s mausoleum. Some time following her death when the Peron’s were out of favor, her remains were sent to another country, but eventually were brought back to the current location. La Boca is also a very interesting part of BA - it is where the tango originated (long story). It was also fun to see the Pink House (houses government’s executive branch) where the Peron’s addressed their minions.

Recoleta Cemetary

Final Resting Place of Eva Peron's Remains

Commemorative Plaque

Colon Theater (being renovated)

Casa Rosada (Pink House)

Plaza de Mayo & Pink House

La Boca (Carlos Gardel, Eva & famous soccer player)

Tango Show at La Ventana

We were in Montevideo, Uruguay on February 14. I had another of my private tours in Montevideo and “Beatrice” covered a lot of ground with me. She loves her country and feels it has a very special energy. My visit was so whirlwind that I couldn’t really get a sense of that, but there are some lovely colonial buildings, a great park (Prado Park) and beaches.

Remnant of Citadel Gate (in back)

Palacio Salvo (Once S. America's tallest bldg.)

Reverend Moon's Home

La Diligencia by Jose Belloni

Native Charruas Indians & Tourist

President's Palace (doesn't live there).

Parliament Building

Telecommunications Building

Jail during dictatorship - now a shopping mall.

Lunchtime entertainment at Port Market

Hopefully my last beef meal for a while!!!

More later.......................

1 comment:

  1. Ruth, Incredible information and superb pictures, what a trip, until you actually did this all these places seemed too far to ever touch, and there you are!! It would appear your having a good time, keepup the fun, enjoy every minute!
    Little Brother
